Visuals: The Ideal Life Exploration

Allow yourself to explore what your dream life looks like in order to begin the process of reverse engineering your ideal reality.



The Journal Prompts + Directions

  • What did I enjoy doing as a child that I haven’t allowed myself the freedom to do enough of lately?

  • Why don’t I do these things anymore?

  • What does my ideal day look like? If someone could tune into my VLOG channel on YouTube, what would a video of my idea day look like? What would I show them?

  • What emotions would I love to feel each day as I wake up? What emotions would I love to feel each day as I go to bed?

  • What excites me?

  • If someone asked me to describe your ideal self and my ideal world — what would I describe? What details do I focus on?

  • Once you’re done journaling, listen to the ideal life exploration below, pop in some ear buds and listen. Follow up by journaling around anything that came up during your exploration session.

  • This exploration should be done once a week, preferably early in the morning before consuming media if possible.