Deep Dive: The Subconscious Exploration
Allow yourself to dive into the depths of your subconscious, confront limiting beliefs and re-write them.
The Journal Prompts + Directions
If I could have anything in this world, or any opportunity, any relationship, anything — what would it be? (Feel free to list multiple things if you feel called to do so!)
Why don’t I have these things? (Set aside the environmental factors and think deep — what things have you done/not done that have held you back from creating the reality where you have these things?)
How do I feel about the actions that I have taken or not taken toward my ideal life? (Allow yourself to be vulnerable here, this is just you speaking to you. How do you truly feel about the progress you’ve made and about the reasons why you have or haven’t made that progress?)
Explore the emotions that come up for the last prompt — is it shame, sadness, hopelessness? (Jot this down. And as you do so, jot down anything else that comes up around how you feel about these emotions. For example, if shame comes up are you ashamed of your shame, quick to wish you hadn’t written it down?)
Allow yourself to sit with this and journal a bit more about the beliefs you hold consciously, or have uncovered with these prompts, that are holding you back from your ideal life.
Once you’re done journaling, listen to the subconscious exploration below, pop in some ear buds and listen. Follow up by journaling around anything that came up during your exploration session.