Hi, my love! I’m sure you’ve stumbled across this page for a few reasons…
You have these beautiful, big visions of what you want to manifest in life but so much of it feels like it’s too far out of reach, too overwhelming, or simply too damn hard.
You want to make more money, so you can have access to the golden opportunities and experiences that you know you deserve, but you feel blocked.
You often feel motivated one day, then stressed af the next day because it never seems like your dream life is right around the corner, or your goals are achievable.
You’re not sure how to create a spiritual, yet grounded plan to manifest your next level — the guidance you’ve received has all seemed vague and arbitrary, so you don’t know how to follow it.
You want clear and concrete steps to take in order to manifest everything you want this year.
I get it, my love.
I’ve been there, too.
But, I also remember when I realized I’d shifted into my next level — the one I was calling in for a minute.
It wasn’t a quick realization, in fact, I had the realization over time as I observed all the changes that happened into my life.
In 2020 went from working in toxic 9-5 environments to replacing my corporate salary in 7 months of freelancing to manifesting a remote job where I get to work in my zone of genius, lead a team and make more money than I ever have before.
I manifested a move across the country, a 2-bed apartment, a brand new car, and a growing business — all within one year of getting clear and doing the work.
I want to let you know that the leap from where you are now to where you want to be next doesn’t have to take forever, it doesn’t have to be grueling and it oftentimes can take a much different (and divine) path than you think…
Let me explain…
Here’s the thing about manifesting those big dreams of yours: it’s a lot easier to get to than you think…
It will take a bit of planning, crafting, creating, and inspired action, but it can happen for you and it will happen for you if you decide it will.
Once you understand the energetics of embodying the next-level version of you while also creating a solid goal game plan, it can come in QUICK.
The things I thought would take me 2-3 years to create, happened in under a year from me declaring, doing the work, and opening myself to the opportunities that would allow me to claim my blessings.