3 Ways to Change Your Money Mindset & Attract More Abundance
Hi my loves, we're talking money, honey — all month long! First up: money beliefs and changing your money mindset!
Here are three ways to change the belief that you have to work extremely hard to be rich:
In order for us to truly work on removing a belief or changing it, we must really understand where and why it originated. Often, if we have this belief, it's instilled in us in childhood. We see our parents working really hard to make ends meet. We hear “we can't afford that” or “you need to work hard and go to school in order to do well” all the time, and so we begin to believe it. Allow yourself to go back to childhood and truly piece together what you were told and by whom?
So, you've gone back to childhood and come to the conclusion that your caregivers helped you see money a certain way, but why does this matter? Well, it's important to see how these beliefs serve (or do not serve) you.
Follow along with this blog post by listening to the podcast!
For example, in the case that one has the belief that we have to work really hard to earn money, this serves us by keeping our morality feeling safe. Let me elaborate. The more you think working hard equals more money, the less guilt you think you'll experience if you work really hard and get a lot of money as a result. It makes sense to you. So much energy and effort put in, so much benefit and reward reaped. Yet, we need to look at the other side of the coin, too.
When we work really hard, we now feel exhausted, tired, burnt out. Yes, hard work can lead to amazing rewards, but hard work doesn't have to mean pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion in order to benefit. This is one way this belief does not serve us.
Journal it out:
> How do the beliefs I identified serve me/keep me safe?
> How do the beliefs I identified keep me from recognizing my potential?
> Do the pros of this belief outweigh the cons? Why/Why not?
> Do I actually want to change these beliefs? Why or why not?
Much like the term coined by Lacy Phillips, we need to look for examples of what contradicts our current beliefs we wish to change. These examples will allow us to see the belief we have long held as fact is not a fact, but merely a belief we've continued to perpetuate in our reality. Look for people around you (friends, family, celebs) who have created abundant success by doing things they love. Yes, they work hard, but they do not exhaust themselves or feel that taking breaks, leaning in to rest, or honoring self-care will block their earning potential.
Make a list of 3-5 people who you see living this truth — use them as examples to remind you that working passionately has just as much power, actually more, than working super, super hard.
Want to learn more about attracting abundance? Each episode of the Manifest Daily podcast this month dives into abundance, so make sure you're tuning in!