3 Secret Ways The Universe Sends You Signs to Communicate

Spoiler alert bb, the universe is always sending you signs, whether you choose to observe and listen to them or not. Signs from the Universe come in many different shapes and forms and are designed to penetrate your reality in ways that resonate with you most.

3 Secret Ways The Universe Sends You Signs to Communicate

When you ask for a sign, be on the lookout for it…

Some of y’all will ask for signs from the universe and when you receive your signs, you’ll misinterpret them as coincidence, or random events.

For example you may create a journal entry because you’re working on scripting a few things in your life and may be on the lookout for signs that those things are on their way to you, but at the same time you may find yourself ignoring all “coincidences” because they seem too good to be true!

Let me go ahead and tell you this right now: nothing is a coincidence and nothing is random.

When you ask for a sign about whether or not you should quit your job and pursue your dream and you meet a self-made entrepreneur the next day who tells you about how they quit their job and made their dream life a reality a few years ago, that is not just a coincidence.

That my friend, is your sign.

How does the universe send signs?


They say that angels are often strangers in disguise. This, I believe, is true. I also believe the people in your life are angels as well, here to guide you, at times, with their well positioned messages and words of encouragement. Have you ever had a stranger tell you that you’re talented in a certain area? Or, have you ever been working on something and have had someone come out of the blue to remind you to “keep going because you have something special there”?

This is the universe sending you a message in a clear and succinct way. One that you really shouldn’t be able to misinterpret, but of course, people do. Sometimes, however, many of us ignore these messages - again, chalking them up to coincidence, or worse, thinking our friends and family are just being nice and loving. Well, while that may be true - this is also the universe nudging you down a certain path. When you get the same types of messages from different people over and over, you can guarantee this is the universe damn near screaming at you to take that chance, keep on pushing or hold faith in your dream.


This one happens to me often, actually. I’ll be thinking of a certain situation and then suddenly a song lyric pops in my head. It won’t be any old song lyric either, it’ll be something old. Like circa Miley Cyrus when she was Hannah Montana days old. For example, the other day the song The Climb popped into my head. “There’s always gonna be another mountain, you’re always gonna wanna make it move….it’s not about how fast you get there…it’s about the climb”. This came to me when I was thinking of how big my dream was, how much I want to impact my community, and wondering how the heck I was going to do it. Good old Miley came through in lyric form (thanks, girl!) to remind me it’s about the climb. And, I’ll make that mountain move, but I need to focus on my journey, not necessarily just the outcome. So, if you’re ever thinking about something and then a song lyric pops into your head right after, or on the radio or in the grocery store, think about the lyrics and if there’s a message for you there. Chances are there might be!


This one is a little harder for many people to interpret because it, to a certain degree, requires you trust yourself and your intuition. Nudges are those random urges of inspiration to take an action, reach out to someone, create something, whatever! Whenever you have nudges, it’s the universe pushing you towards a certain path by inspiring you with the feeling of passion and sheer curiosity. Woo, we love a curious cat!

Nudges, though, are often ignored by many because they sometimes seem far fetched or random. (Again, what is “random”?) You may have the nudge to write a book one day, but toss the idea aside because you’re “not a writer”. You may also have the nudge to switch careers out of nowhere (or so it seems), but toss the idea aside because it seems so random and so opposite of wha you’re doing now. But, those nudges are often the universe attempting to direct you toward growth, something outside of your comfort zone that will help you blossom into the amazing flower you’re meant to be. Or tomato, if you don’t like flowers, you can totally be a tomato.

Final words…

There are so many more ways the universe send you signs, but these are the few that tend to be the most commonly ignored. We’re all being trained to see 111, 222 and every other repeating number as a sign from the universe, but we may be missing out on the juicy messages we’re getting from people, music and inspiration in our lives.

Leave me a comment down below and let me know if you’ve ever received a sign from the universe in one of these three ways and if you listened!


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