Here's How to Cleanse Your Energy During Unprecedented Times
I hope you’re doing well during this time. It’s been tough on all of us, energetically, financially, and emotionally. While it is your duty to stay informed, especially in the current times where many of us are stepping up to the front lines in real life and on social media to advocate for social justice, it is also your duty to protect your energy.
By doing so, you allow yourself to show up best for yourself and the collective.
If you’re struggling with feeling energetically drained or overwhelmed here are 3 ways to cleanse your energy field in order to show up as your best self to assist with social justice advocacy as we continue to dismantle the systems in the collective that no longer serve us:
Take a cleansing shower or bath — this one is my favorite because it encompasses something that we all do on a daily basis. If you choose to take a bath add eucalyptus or lavender oil to help you calm your body and mind. Soak for as long as you need to and visualize any energetic dirt, so to speak, washing down the drain as you’re finishing up.
Prefer a shower? Same! Sprinkle the oils in your shower before you run it and use visualization to imagine the energy that needs to be cleansed being washed away as you rinse your body.
Take a shower or bath at night, when you’re feeling called to, to help you wash any vibes you may have picked up during the day.
Have you ever noticed the way your mood and vibration shifts when you have music on and you just naturally start dancing? There is something powerful about movement and its ability to influence our energy. You can set an intention before you begin that you’re shaking off any energy that’s not yours when you dance. Let go and allow yourself to lean into moving freely.
Clean your home and wash your clothes and sheets. Energy can become trapped and stagnant in our homes and our personal space very easily, especially during this time when we’re quarantined and spending a ton of time at home. By cleansing your space, you can allow the decluttering of your external space to help you make room for processing internally.
Cleansing my space has a powerful effect on my mind and raises my vibration instantly. It’s simple, yet effective.
I hope you’re able to try one of these tips this week if you’ve been feeling energetically drained or need an energetic pick me up!