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Your Guide to Angel Numbers And How to Interpret Them

Angel numbers are a really powerful way that the Universe will try to communicate with you and send you signs, but it goes deeper than just seeing 11:11 on your microwave clock.

Each individual number holds a certain vibration and therefore a certain message. When you see angel numbers, or repeating numbers, this is often a sign from the Universe that can be observed and “translated” to human form meanings. Angel numbers can come in the form of other numbers than the generic, 111, 22 or 333 too, but for today we will cover the basics and how to interpret them.

Pin this sheet on Pinterest to save this as a pocket guide for yourself.


This one means that there are new (big) things coming. Make sure to set an intention to welcome new beginnings!


You’re in need of some balance in your life. Run that bath, go for that run, binge that Netflix show.


It’s time to shine — aka: use what you’re good at the uplift your community (this can mean friends, family or an online audience).


A loud AF reminder that the Universe got ya back, bb! All is well and you are being reminded that you are taken care of, always!


There are huge changes on the horizon, get ready! Also, don't be afraid, the only constant in life is change!


Pay attention to your thoughts right now, where might you be worrying about outcomes in your life? Where can you lean into surrender? You are always taken care of, don’t forget it!


You’re on the right path, my love! Yasss! Keep doing what you’re doing as you’re doing real good!


This is the number of abundance babyyyy! A reminder that you are always abundant, as abundance comes in many forms, so story worrying about money! Some (more) is coming your way…


There are a few things ending in your life right now, but never fear, after endings always comes a new beginning.

Angel numbers may become apparent to you at random times or just when you’re looking for a little extra direction! If you are consistently seeing the same angel numbers repeating, consider taking time to reference what it means.

Save the FREE Angel Numbers Cheat Sheet above!

Easily reference it on Pinterest or keep as a pocket guide for when you’re on the go!

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